Popejoy 1
![]() Popejoy married Grace E. Greathouse, daughter of George Ridgeley Greathouse and G. Elma Hodges. (Grace E. Greathouse was born 1893 or 1894,3 4 died in 1980 3 and was buried in Mansfield - Mansfield Cemetery, Tarrant County, Texas 3.) |
1 Amy Bratone Wimpee.
2 Mrs G. R. Greathouse Obituary (clipping from unknown newspaper).
3 Mansfield Cemetery Transcription on-line (Transcribed by Margaret R. Bates).
900 United States Federal Census (United States National Archives, Washington, D. C.), George Rigley Household, Pct 1, Jack County Texas, Supervisors Dist 3, Enumerator Dist 34, Sheet 17 B, Dwelling 316,Household 316, Line 70, Series: T623 Roll: 1648 Page: 27.
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