Billie Jean Scheihagen
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 1924 1 Christening: Death: 4 May 2005 - Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii 1 Burial: Cause of Death:
Notes• Billie Jean Scheihagen's obituary was published in Bryan - College Station, Brazos County, Texas. 97 Updated May 15, 2005 6:30 AM Ex-KBTX host Greathouse dies
By MELISSA SULLIVAN Eagle Staff Writer
Billie Greathouse was remembered Saturday as the type of person who included everyone and made others feel like parts of a big family. Greathouse would invite others, for example, to celebrate holidays with her family, daughter Vivian Moss said Saturday from Midland. "Enthusiastic would be a good way to describe her," Moss said.
Greathouse, 80, who lived in Bryan during the 1960s, died May 4 at her home in Honolulu. She had pancreatic cancer. A memorial service was held Monday in Hawaii. After receiving a bachelor's degree in music from Texas State College for Women in Denton, she earned a master's degree from Sam Houston State University. She taught music at Fannin Elementary School in Bryan and was a musical director for summer shows at Texas A&M University. "She didn't just teach notes on the page," Moss said. "She taught the whole person. Her philosophy is, you teach the whole person because singing is about communication and sharing, and I felt my mom has always done that." For nearly a decade, Greathouse hosted a daytime show on KBTX-TV titled Town Talk on which she interviewed local newsmakers and dignitaries. She also served as a choir director at First Methodist Church in Bryan and gave private music lessons to community residents. Many of her students continued to perform on Broadway or in an opera. "I know I am going to honor her," Moss said. "I am a music teacher, and I know whatever I do, I will honor her by doing my music."
• In honor of: An Adios Party and salad supper highlighted the final meeting of the year for the Laureate Zeta Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi on May 4 at the home of President Della Nichols, who presented Vanette Allen, immediate past president, with a gavel guard. Social Chairwoman Ginny Cooper reported on the mother-child brunch held at the Carriage Inn. She announced that the June social will be hosted by Louise Smith in appreciation of transportation provided for her during the year. The chapter will meet for a hot dog dinner at a bed-and-breakfast in Hearne in July and for Beginning Day on Aug. 30. Treasurer Marianna Bond presented the annual audit report. In honor of the late Billie Jean Greathouse, a former Beta Sigma, a memorial book was signed by chapter members and will be presented to her family. Sharon Pennell, yearbook chairman, announced that July 1 is the deadline for yearbook information from members and committees. Secret sister co-chairmen Evelyn Arrington-Smith and Lynne Hambric oversaw the gift exchange, revealing of current secret sisters and the drawing of new secret sister names.
Spouses and Children
1. *Earl Richard Greathouse (1929 - 3 Aug 2006) 1 Marriage: 2. Barron Children: 1. William Davis Barron 2. Vivian Lee Barron
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