Edgar Lee Greathouse 99
- Born: 24 Jun 1894, , , Missouri 99
- Marriage: Ethel Sanders on 1 May 1920
- Died: 28 Apr 1928 at age 33 99
- Buried: 29 Apr 1928, Springfield - Greenlawn Cemetery, , Missouri
Items of interest in his life were:
• Death certificate: number 12949, 1928, Springfield - St John's Hospital, Greene County , Missouri. 99 Edgar L Greathouse died april 28, 1928; age 34 yrs, 10 mos, 0 days MW married to Ethel Greathouse B. June 28, 1893, MO Automobile accident runaway team at Fari Grove, MO- gas gangrene of rt leg following compound fracture Father: Wm T. Greathouse, MO; Mother: Mary King, MO Informant Wm T. Greathouse Burial Greenlawn Cemetery, Springfield MO, April 29
Edgar married Ethel Sanders on 1 May 1920.